Key Features
lSpectral range 850 ~ 1650nm
lWith TIA
lData rate up to 25Gbps
l+3.3 single power supply
lHermetically sealed package
lSMA output
lSM or MM fiber
lHigh-speed transmission equipment
lRadio over fiver
lOptical fiber sensing system
KY-AT series APD-TIA Optical receiver use high-performance InGaAs Avalanche Photodiode with a low noise transimpedance amplifier, which has the characteristics of high bandwidth, high responsivity, flat gain, small size, etc. The input fiber can be the single mode fiber or 50/62.5um multimode fiber, the connector is FC/APC. SMA output port, mainly used in high-speed optical fiber transmission system.
Optical and Electrical Characteristics
(Wavelength=1550nm, Tc =25°C , VCC=+3.3V, unless otherwise specified)
Parameters | Symbol | Test Conditions | Min. | Typ. | Max. | Unit |
Wavelength | l | - | 1250 | - - | 1620 | nm |
APD Breakdown Voltage | VBR | Id=10µA | 25 | 32 | 40 | V |
Temperature Coefficient of VBR | g | - | 0.03 | 0.05 | 0.07 | V/°C |
APD Responsivity | R | l=1.55µm, M=9 | 7.5 | 8.0 | - - | A/W |
l=1.31µm, M=9 | 7 | 7.5 | - - |
Dark Current | ID | VB=0.9xVBR | - - | - - | 50 | nA |
Transimpedance | Zt | RL=50:, Pin=-25dBm Single |
| 2.0 | - - | k: |
Bandwidth | -10G | BW | f-3dB, RL=50W Pin=-15dBm, M=9 | 7 | 8.5 | - - | GHz |
-25G | 18 | 20 |
Sensitivity | -10G | Prmin | NRZ,BER=10-12 PRBS231–1,ER=12dB | - - | -27 | -26 | dBm |
-25G |
| -20 | -19 |
Overload | Prmax | -7 | -5 | - - | dBm |
Equivalent Input Noise Current Density | In | Average within BW, Pin=0mW, RL=50W Single-ended | - - | 13 | 18 | pA/~Hz |
Maximum Output Voltage Swing | Vout | Single-ended | 100 | 150 | - - | mV |
Supply Current | IEE | Pin = 0mW | - - | 55 | 75 | mA |
TIA Supply Voltage | VCC | - | 3.1 | 3.3 | 3.5 | V |
Output Return Loss | ERL | 10MHz to 10GHz | - - | - - | -8 | dB |
Optical Return Loss | ORL | - | - - | - - | -27 | dB |
Absolute Maximum Rating
(Ta = 25 °C, unless otherwise specified)
Parameters | Symbol | Rating | Unit |
TIA Supply Voltage | Vcc | +3.5 | V |
APD Supply Voltage | VB | 0 to VBR | V |
Incident Optical Power | Pin | +0 | dBm |
Operating Temperature | Tc | -20 to +85 | °C |
Storage Temperature | Tstg | -40 to +85 | °C |
Connector and Fiber Specifications
Parameter | Specifications | Unit |
Type | SMF-28e or MM | - - |
Cladding Diameter | 125 | µm |
Jacket Diameter | 900 | µm |
Length | 1 | m |
Standard Connector | FC/APC | - - |
Standard Fiber Color | White | - - |
Block Diagram
Outline Drawing (Unit: mm)